
Bringing market and society solutions to challenges in São Paulo


IdeiaGov is an Innovation Hub that brings market and society solutions to challenges faced by the Sao Paulo State Government, offering better public services to the citizen and greater efficiency in public management.

We connect the entrepreneurial ecosystem to the process of implementing and contracting Government Solutions. We encourage the private sector to showcase its innovative solutions to the challenges of the public sector, and thus improve management performance and citizen experience in the services offered, benefiting the community. Also working in the training of public managers for innovating, structuring, and disseminating the challenges to be solved in selecting and mentoring the companies during the implementation of solutions in support of the consolidation of business models, making the necessary adaptation for implementation with the government. Furthermore, we provide the necessary support to government teams regarding implementing, monitoring, and potential contracting solutions, using new legal purchasing formats.

We work in three verticals to solve the challenges of the Sao Paulo State Government through innovation:

  • IdeiaGov Innovation Hub: Space of connection between different actors of the innovative entrepreneurship ecosystem, social impact businesses, partners, and public managers: connections, events, shared workspace, and direct connection with the Sao Paulo State Government.

  • Innovative solutions to Government challenges: Speeding companies that present innovative solutions to solve public challenges faced by government agencies of the State of São Paulo, supporting selected businesses, connecting with public managers, and monitoring the implementation and scaling of the solution.

  • Connecting public managers into the innovation ecosystem: Encourage the innovative mentality for public managers of the Sao Paulo State Government, connect with the innovative entrepreneurship community, and apply the innovation implementation mechanisms in public procurement.


São Paulo, Brazil

Nature of programme or organisation
Challenge based programme

Part of central government

Geographical area covered
São Paulo State

